“I’ve never been able to understand his appeal. Maybe his mother loved him, but I’ve never met anybody who does. He’s never won anything, as best I can tell,”
How brave of Dick to fire off remarks on Hannity and Colmes when he knows only 98% of the audience will agree with anything he says. Well Dean must be doing something to get the Republicans dander up because you’re taking valuable time out of your assault on the New Deal in order to try and distort Deans views and drop a “your Mama” joke (albeit a lame one). DNC spokeswoman Karen Finney fired back in quick, pointed fashion (a notable departure from Democrats standard operation) by saying
“Governor Dean must be doing something right if the vice president of the United States would stoop so low as to use the governor’s mother as a way to deflect from answering the concerns of the American people,” Finney said Sunday. “It’s no wonder President Bush’s approval ratings are at an all-time low.”
damn democrats...
You spend too much time watching the Communist News Network (CNN).
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