Thursday, June 23, 2005

More Money More Problems

That's right folks, it seems the more money we spend on the "war on terror" the more problems we have. According to a recent Washington Post poll 60% of Americans feel no safer now than they did prior to the US invasion of Iraq; and unfortunately they might be right.
While our bulletproof Vice President Dick Cheney swears the "insurgency is in its last throws" the CIA and military leaders are espousing the exact opposite. Speaking of the recently released CIA report Doug Jehl of the NY Times wrote'

"The assessment, completed last month and circulated among government agencies, was described in recent days by several Congressional and intelligence officials. The officials said it made clear that the war was likely to produce a dangerous legacy by dispersing to other countries Iraqi and foreign combatants more adept and better organized than they were before the conflict.”

Oh Yeah? Only 178 BILLION dollars and we've already made a bigger badder terrorist. I mean it took years of the US supplying the Talibann with weapons to fight the Soviets before they became truly dangerous terrorists and now we've achieved the same thing in a fraction of the time. American ingenuity at its finest!

1 comment:

BMosh said...

"According to a recent Washington Post..."

You forgot to state that it was a recent LIBERAL Washington post. It's just more LIBERAL propaganda to denounce the Bush Administration and criticize the accomplishments that they've made in Iraq.

Yes, we did arm the Taliban to help fight the Soviets. Right now the US is doing nothing more than giving Iraqi soldiers training and supplying a VERY limited ammount of weapons. Mostly nothing more than a 9mm pistol, to the Iraqi Police. Practically ALL of their weapons are weapons from the Iraqi Army.

If you're stating that by training and helping Iraqis fight insurgents, and arming them with 9mm pistols, is going to build a bigger, badder terrorist, then that's just ridiculous. I'll fear a suicide bomber over a trained Iraqi with a 9mm, any day.

Should the US have just gone in, done its business, and pulled out without training and building up an Iraqi force, so that the toppled regime could just resume power or allow radicals to take over governmental control?

It's obviously a war, or struggle, with no end in sight... at least not in the near future. We stay in Iraq, people are going to complain, wanting the withdrawl of US troops. Then what?... Is pulling our troops out and and ending this "war on terror" going to end the problem??

Regardless, the US is going to spend an absurd amount of money whether we pull out of Iraq or not. We don't pull out... we continue to spend more and more, fighting this "war on terror." We pull out, then there's an increased fear of an attack on our homeland, causing more spending in homeland security and counter-terrorism.