Thursday, June 16, 2005

No Bush For You

Shockingly enough the Bush administration is once again snubbing the global community by refusing to attend the 60th anniversary celebration of the United Nations to be held in San Francisco later this month. The organizers of the June 25th event learned Wednesday that nearly all of their big name republican invites, Bush and Condoleezza Rice to name a few, had turned down invitations to the event. Now I know all of you San Francisco residents were looking forward to greeting Bush and his crew as liberators, showering them with flowers and songs of victory but you're gonna have to settle for the third string (if you can even call them that).
Luckily for organizers the White House is sending such influential individuals as Nancy Peterson and Ambassador Sichan Siv, the United States representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Bush White House....when you care enough to send the very unimportant.

P.S. For all of you heart broken Bush fans in SF (yes both of you) you should try and lift your spirits by visiting Compton Place in the Compton Hotel. Chef Daniel Humm was just named one of Americas best new Chefs by Food and Wine magazine.

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