Sunday, February 08, 2009

Feed the Rich!

So we all knew the Wall Street fat cats were going to take advantage of Americas generosity when Bush and his cronies handed over $700 billion to the banks; but who knew the Republican party would so blatantly reveal where their allegiance lies?

Last week it was revealed that after running the economy straight into the ground Wall Street firms gave themselves bonuses to the tune of $18.6 billion. Job well done!

But what did we hear Republicans harping about over and over again this past week? Not the greed of those we who would take from a nation in need. Not the shortsighted Republican majority and inept President who passed the Wall Street bailout. No the real offense to Republicans is the "pork" in President Obamas stimulus package.

"Over at the other microphones, the Republicans howled that some of the spending provisions were wasteful, under cover of the short-term stimulus vs. long-term reinvestment debate.

Among the offending items deemed too long-term were US$14 billion for education programs, US$4.1 billion for more energy-efficient federal buildings and US$1.5 billion for broadband Internet service to rural areas." source

Hmm .. lets see. $18.6 billion for Wall Street millionaires is ok while $19.6 billion for something of real benefit is offensive. Well I can see who these Republicans are working for.

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