Don’t be shocked.. but Republicans in Washington are showing their true colors in this latest turn of events regarding the proposed rescue of the auto industry. As if you didn’t already know who these old crusty white guys are working for, they’ve just broadcast it to the nation. I mean isn’t it amazing that when the investment banks were about to go belly up the republicans came riding to their rescue with no strings attached? Yet when the auto industry needs some help the republican party chooses obstructionism over positing solutions.
It’s not just because the banks overwhelmingly gave money to Republicans prior to the 2008 election cycle. That’s too easy. It’s just like Katrina, or how public services are dispersed unevenly in every American city. It’s all about class and color. Think about the folks that have been rescued and think about those who are pleading for financial rescue from their rooftops… what’s so different about these two groups?
The homogeneity of Wall Street and that of the Republican party is so similar there can be no question as to their motives. Rich, mostly white, Ivy leaguers who created this whole mess have now been given a blank check, while working class Americans who have earned a living through hard work and organized labor are now being treated as if they somehow contributed to this financial crisis. To these people labor is something to be looked down upon, while corporate greed and profiteering are rewarded. It would be funny if it weren’t so damn sad.
The republican party has ridden a wave of hatred and jingoism to the bottom.. and the most infuriating thing is that they did so by branding themselves the “working class party.” The people who helped put republicans in office are the same Americans the GOP works against every day. From labor laws to health care reform, from Wall Street to Main Street, time and time again the wolf has cast off the sheep’s clothing. But now it seems as though their base is oblivious. Or perhaps it’s just the last remnant of the American dream. By supporting the elite ownership class they can all hope to be in their company one day, but when you belittle labor than you only value those who had someone else pull up their bootstraps for them. Perhaps all of these republican voters are closeted Ivy league graduate millionaires.. or perhaps these are just the sheep the wolf needs for cover. Either way be sure to thank a Republican this Christmas when your pitching your tent on Main Street. They probably wont even hear you though, seeing as Wall Street is a gated community.
1 comment:
I'm always amazed when blue collar people tell me that they only vote Republican because that's the party of the common man. What a joke - the Republican party in recent history has been widely known as the party of big business and the Republican politicians have shown their true colors in dealing - or not dealing- with the bailout for the auto industry. The mostly Southern Republicans are advocating for bankruptcy and blaming the workers for being the cause of the failure of the American auto industry. Here's the truth folks, the foreign automakers, located mostly in the southern states,have been given millions of dollars of incentives to locate in those states and promised non-union workers. These southern Republicans should be branded as the traitors they are - oh wait - isn't that typical of their tradition? Just think how often they fly the Confederate flag aka - the traitors' flag.
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